Revenue Collection

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Revenue Collection

Our Revenue Collection is a specially customized solution software that enables collection of Revenue for the Local Government council depending on the different revenue types available, such as Garbage, Protection, etc, and issuing system generated receipts.

It allows both Mobile, POS devices or Web based system access, of which office clerks by the use of POS device can collect cash revenue from given local citizens and issue recognizable receipts, and same time be able to manage effective revenue collection and conduct further assessment based on available system data and reports.

Benefits of the Revenue Collection

  1. Helps any local government easily collect various revenues types e.g Garbage(Takataka), Security (Ulinzi Shirikishi) and keep good track of records
  2. Allows multiple Local government be registered into same system, and effective foster
    effective revenue collection and possess reliable citizens database
  3. One POS device can be used with more one user or collection clerk or office
  4. It enables any local government keep track of a good local citizens database, know their
    location and their contribution status to various set revenue
  5. It enables maximum collection of revenue due to standardized system process, also due
    to availability of legitimate printed receipts that enable revenue payers more compliable
    to give
  6. Supports easy sharing of digital receipts via email or social media platforms like what’s
    app. Also support physical receipts printing for recor